House for All Sinners and Saints

  • House for All Sinners and Saints
    I am the mission developer for House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado. We are an urban liturgical community with a progressive yet deeply rooted theological imagination. Check out our site for more info.

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  • Chris Enstad
    The blog of a dad, husband, Lutheran pastor, emerging, failing, conversing, confessing.
  • Ian Mobsby
    Ian is the Anglican Priest at Moot in London.
  • Matt Stone
    This is a great blog from Down Under which explores Christianity and religious pluralism
  • Luther Punk
    Like Ward Cleaver with tattoos
  • Ian Adams
    Ian is the priest of the MayBe community in Oxford...I think he's pretty stinkin' cool.
  • Rachael
    cool chick...check her out
  • MayBe
    This is a great emerging church community we spent time with in Oxford. Their website is well worth a look, especially the page "the spirit of MayBe"
  • Mad Priest
    If I'm the Sarcastic Lutheran, he's certainly the Sarcastic Anglican...
  • Steve Collins
    Steve's an interesting and articulate emerging church brit.
  • The Mercy Seat
    This is a really groovey new church plant in NorthEast Minneapolis, amazing jazz liturgy. Their website is well worth checking out

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« Sermon on Isaiah 55, The Parable of the Sower and those big talking trees form Lord of the Rings | Main | Jesus Walking on the Water - A Sermon Sarcastic and Serious »


This was absolutely beautiful; it touched my hurting heart and made me cry. Thank you!

Thanks for this post. A wonderful reminder of the Kingdom of God and how we ought to bring it with us wherever we go.

god! i needed this nadia. i'm weeping at my computer with baby sam in my arms. what a heartbreaking week! what a crazy world. and yes, god is still breaking through the cracks. thank you.

ps is that a banksy on the wall in palestine?!

Excellent! Excellent indeed. I only wish I could have heard you deliver this in person.

beautiful sermon.

beautiful... thank you.

Really nice. Very impressive
Thanks for sharing

Wow! This is powerful. The raw reality of Jesus Christ in our material world is in the microbiology or life, in the vast beauty of the universe and in everything between. God's perfect love comes to us in tragedy and in the joy of a sunrise. To have Him here always, for eternity is the greatest blessing of all.

Hi, I am from Australia.

Please find a completely different Understanding of both The Kingdom Of God, and the nature of Real God via these references.

Plus Real Politics for Real People via

Heard you give this at Greenbelt as part of your talk on preaching. It made me cry. Thank you so much for coming to Greenbelt and for your sermon on Sunday at communion too. As a lay preacher I felt very challenged and encouraged, which is a great combination I think!

hi nadia, i just found you thanks to a friend. i've been wanting to read the bible more like this for myself and with other people. thanks for making that so easy and good for me. thank you buckets for being funny.

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