At the Baptism of our Lord heaven simply could not contain God the Father and God the Spirit who interrupt the regularly scheduled programming to bring a very important message. That message is that this Jesus who just moments ago was standing in line with all the other rif-raf, this Jesus who has just been baptized is the Son of God, the beloved in whom God is well pleased to offer to the whole world. That was God’s first move. From this place of identity Jesus was then equipped for his purpose. Check out the next few verses:
And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 3The tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” 4But he answered, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
And the Word that had most recently come from the mouth of God was This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased. Identity. It’s God’s first move.
I was reminded this week by my friend Dave Lose that when The Devil says to Jesus "If you are the Son of God...." he calls into question Jesus' relationship with his Father because he knows that Jesus, as with Adam and Eve before him, is vulnerable to temptation precisely to the degree that his is insecure about his identity and mistrusts his relationship with God.”
So perhaps there’s a reason why when Jesus was baptized and given an identity and purpose from God that the devil’s first move was putting this very identity and purpose into question saying If you really are what God says you are… Identity. … It’s like the end of the spool of thread that when gotten ahold of can unwind the whole thing.
I wonder if we too are vulnerable to temptation: whether it be temptation to self-loathing, or self-agrandisment; depression or pride, self-destruction or self-indulgence….I wonder if we too are prone to these temptations precisely to the degree that we are insecure about our identity from and relationship to God. We are vulnerable to darkness precisely to the degree in which we doubt the identity and purpose given us by God on the waters of our baptism.
For the record, I have very little predilection for thinking about demons or the devil or that whole powers and principalities thing. Like a good middle class mainline protestant, I tend to arrogantly look down my theological nose at all of it as superstitious snake handling nonsense. As though it’s all the spiritual equivalent of a Monster Truck Rally. At best I think all that talk about demonic forces is no more than a result of ignorance and lack of education. At worst it’s just a way to externalize our own sin. Because if the Devil made me do then I don’t have to face the reality that perhaps I made me do. It’s all so ripe for abuse…. some in this room have been victim to other Christians trying to cast out the so-called demon of homosexuality as though spiritual warfare and the culture wars are one in the same thing.
So I hope you hear me when I say, I in no way have any desire to believe in spiritual warfare yet in the last couple years I’ve quietly began to change my ideas about this. Based on the Biblical text and my own experience, I now think that there are indeed forces that seek to defy God in the world and that this is demonstrated not only in the evil we see swirling around us in the world – demonstrated not only in the bullets which flew from a legal handgun in Tuscon yesterday into the head of a US congresswoman.. bullets that killed a 9 year old girl and 4 others. That sort of defiance of God’s love and purpose for humanity is obvious. But I think that in more subtle ways these same forces also can seek to defy God’s purpose in our own individual lives… and in our Christian communities. And the first move of the devil is always the same. Attack your identity as the beloved with whom God is well pleased. And the precision by which the Devil, or evil or darkness (what ever you want to call it) worms into our own lives in just this way is breathtaking. Like a radioactive isotope custom made for each of us calling into question our identity as children of God.
The longer I try to participate in God’s redeeming work in the world the more I am convinced despite my proclivity to cynisicm that there are indeed forces that seek to defy God. And nowhere are we more prone to encroaching darkness than when we are stepping into the light. If you have ever experienced sudden discouragement in the midst of healthy decisions, or if there is a toxic thought that will always send you spiraling down or if there is a particular temptation that is your weakness then I make the following suggestion: take a note from Martin Luther’s playbook and defiantly shout back at this darkness “I am Baptized” not I WAS but I AM baptized. When Luther himself was hold up in a castle translating the Greek Bible into German so that for the very fist time somewhat regular folks could read the Word of God for themselves, well, while he was doing this he struggled mightily with doubt and discouragement from what he understood to be the devil. And he was known to not only throw the occasional ink pots at whatever was tormenting him and causing him to doubt God’s promises, but while doing so he could be heard throughout the castle grounds shouting “I am baptized”.
Lutheran Theologian Craig Koester says that From an earthly perspective, evil can seem so pervasive as to be unstoppable. And watching the evening news would seem to support that idea. But from a heavenly perspective evil rages on earth not because it is so powerful, but because it is so vulnerable. Koester claims that Satan rages on earth because he has already lost and he is desperate” So if you are going to join me in this crazy practice of picturing our discouragement and doubt as a force that wants to defy God then join me in picturing it not as powerful and unstoppable but picture evil and darkness for what it is: desperate and vulnerable…. because a light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not, will not can not overcome it
And when the forces that seek to defy God whisper IF in your ear….if God really loved you you wouldn’t feel like this…If you really are beloved then you should have everything you want … Remember that you, all of you, have been marked with the cross of Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit in your. God has named you and claimed you as God’s own in the waters of your baptism. You, like our Lord, have been given identity and purpose, so when what seems to be depression or compulsive eating or narcissism or despair or discouragement or resentment or isolation takes over try picturing it as a vulnerable and desperate force seeking to defy God’s grace and mercy in your life and then tell it to piss off and say defiantly to it “I am baptized” because the water that covered you in God’s promises in your baptism is simply the only thing that gets to tell you who you are.
And this is not a matter of having high self-esteem. This is about nothing less than God’s redeeming purpose in the world and that purpose will prevail. Indeed has already prevailed. Amen.
Great post and pic
Posted by: Matt Stone | January 14, 2011 at 02:12 PM
Thanks. I really need to hear that.
Posted by: Ade the Leveller | January 18, 2011 at 12:24 PM
Sure sign of a great sermon - i've come back to this message over and over since you preached it. And have shouted, “I am Baptized” more times than I can possibly count. Thanks.
Posted by: amy clifford | January 21, 2011 at 05:52 PM
Thanks for the history and insight. Identity is such a major issue and I think we all need to be reminded that it is God who bestows and confirms who we really are.
My favorite element in the Baptism of Christ is the "Spirit descending like a dove", a sure sign to those present it was God who spoke. By using the Bat Qol, or Daughter Voice, the only communication given to the people since the days of the prophets, they could readily understand that this was a significant time and place.
Posted by: Emily | January 25, 2011 at 07:33 AM
Thank you! As a fellow preacher I know how much we each need to hear the Word. Thank you for being my preacher today. Thank you for reminding me of my identity, WHOSE I am.
Posted by: Arianna | January 26, 2011 at 03:25 PM
I really like the idea of identity being so central -- of our identity as beloved of God being central, and of the death-dealing forces threatening our identity as their first step.
One of my former pastors frequently preached, "You are a bright, brilliant, beloved child of God -- who is so so beautiful to behold."
Posted by: Elizabeth Sweeny | February 08, 2011 at 07:06 AM
Posted by: karla | February 09, 2011 at 10:36 AM
That message is that this Jesus who just moments ago was standing in line with all the other rif-raf, this Jesus who has just been baptized is the Son of God, the beloved in whom God is well pleased to offer to the whole world. That was God’s first move. From this place of identity Jesus was then equipped for his purpose. Check out the next few verses:
Posted by: Cheap Supra Skytop For Sale | April 01, 2011 at 01:02 AM
What a wonderful post on the temptation of Christ! (and it didn't sound at all sarcastic). It almost makes me "see Satan fall...".....but not quite. Blessings!
Posted by: Guy | April 07, 2011 at 03:14 PM
Badass great insight
Posted by: Rev3j | July 13, 2011 at 07:27 PM
That was God’s first move. From this place of identity Jesus was then equipped for his purpose
Posted by: Kids Nike TN | August 11, 2011 at 01:43 AM