House for All Sinners and Saints

  • House for All Sinners and Saints
    I am the mission developer for House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado. We are an urban liturgical community with a progressive yet deeply rooted theological imagination. Check out our site for more info.

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  • Chris Enstad
    The blog of a dad, husband, Lutheran pastor, emerging, failing, conversing, confessing.
  • Ian Mobsby
    Ian is the Anglican Priest at Moot in London.
  • Matt Stone
    This is a great blog from Down Under which explores Christianity and religious pluralism
  • Luther Punk
    Like Ward Cleaver with tattoos
  • Ian Adams
    Ian is the priest of the MayBe community in Oxford...I think he's pretty stinkin' cool.
  • Rachael
    cool chick...check her out
  • MayBe
    This is a great emerging church community we spent time with in Oxford. Their website is well worth a look, especially the page "the spirit of MayBe"
  • Mad Priest
    If I'm the Sarcastic Lutheran, he's certainly the Sarcastic Anglican...
  • Steve Collins
    Steve's an interesting and articulate emerging church brit.
  • The Mercy Seat
    This is a really groovey new church plant in NorthEast Minneapolis, amazing jazz liturgy. Their website is well worth checking out

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« We Three Kings of Orient Are (not in the Bible) - an Epiphany Sermon | Main | Sermon on the Beatitudes and Performative Blessing »


Great post and pic

Thanks. I really need to hear that.

Sure sign of a great sermon - i've come back to this message over and over since you preached it. And have shouted, “I am Baptized” more times than I can possibly count. Thanks.

Thanks for the history and insight. Identity is such a major issue and I think we all need to be reminded that it is God who bestows and confirms who we really are.

My favorite element in the Baptism of Christ is the "Spirit descending like a dove", a sure sign to those present it was God who spoke. By using the Bat Qol, or Daughter Voice, the only communication given to the people since the days of the prophets, they could readily understand that this was a significant time and place.

Thank you! As a fellow preacher I know how much we each need to hear the Word. Thank you for being my preacher today. Thank you for reminding me of my identity, WHOSE I am.

I really like the idea of identity being so central -- of our identity as beloved of God being central, and of the death-dealing forces threatening our identity as their first step.

One of my former pastors frequently preached, "You are a bright, brilliant, beloved child of God -- who is so so beautiful to behold."


That message is that this Jesus who just moments ago was standing in line with all the other rif-raf, this Jesus who has just been baptized is the Son of God, the beloved in whom God is well pleased to offer to the whole world. That was God’s first move. From this place of identity Jesus was then equipped for his purpose. Check out the next few verses:

What a wonderful post on the temptation of Christ! (and it didn't sound at all sarcastic). It almost makes me "see Satan fall...".....but not quite. Blessings!

Badass great insight


That was God’s first move. From this place of identity Jesus was then equipped for his purpose

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