House for All Sinners and Saints

  • House for All Sinners and Saints
    I am the mission developer for House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado. We are an urban liturgical community with a progressive yet deeply rooted theological imagination. Check out our site for more info.

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  • Chris Enstad
    The blog of a dad, husband, Lutheran pastor, emerging, failing, conversing, confessing.
  • Ian Mobsby
    Ian is the Anglican Priest at Moot in London.
  • Matt Stone
    This is a great blog from Down Under which explores Christianity and religious pluralism
  • Luther Punk
    Like Ward Cleaver with tattoos
  • Ian Adams
    Ian is the priest of the MayBe community in Oxford...I think he's pretty stinkin' cool.
  • Rachael
    cool chick...check her out
  • MayBe
    This is a great emerging church community we spent time with in Oxford. Their website is well worth a look, especially the page "the spirit of MayBe"
  • Mad Priest
    If I'm the Sarcastic Lutheran, he's certainly the Sarcastic Anglican...
  • Steve Collins
    Steve's an interesting and articulate emerging church brit.
  • The Mercy Seat
    This is a really groovey new church plant in NorthEast Minneapolis, amazing jazz liturgy. Their website is well worth checking out

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« Holy Trinity Sermon 2010 | Main | Sermon on the Sinner Woman »


I really enjoyed this and found it uplifting. Thank you. :)

This story helps remind me as a christian, a follower of Christ, I too need to go to places that seem God foresaken and be like Christ.

I am sorry to hear about your friend. The dream sounds...powerful. You wrote an excellent, touching post here, thanks for sharing it.

A very moving sermon. I have lost 2 family members so far this year. My Aunt Lynn was killed in a car accident in her 70th year of life. Still, it was too soon for her to die, and I miss her not being among us. My niece, Sophia Rose, died from SIDS.....she was 44 days old. Since she lived in Greeley, CO and I live in Herndon, VA I never got to see her, to hold her. Her father, Mark, is really having a hard time with this and is so angry with God. Please pray for him and Sophia's mother, Lindsay, and their daughter Adelynne. They need to work this out with God, to work out their anger and hurt and grief and pain. They need to feel God's love again and learn to live again and to heal. They need God's grace.

So I check here frequently for your sermon posts... usually the Monday after I've preached my own on the exact same text. And I usually sigh and think, "Oh, that's what I should have said." That thought doesn't last too long, as I (usually, mostly) believe God is working in me to get said what needs to get said right here, but I am so glad to let your sermons preach to me the Monday after. Peace.

I always look forward to checking out your posts. But this one meant more to me than I can say. I am so sorry about your friend. It is so hard to say goodbye.

I am facing a sort of health crises of my own right now and I find the concept of 'loosing myself in a collision with God's grace" very comforting. I don't know what my future holds but God is going to be there for me and with me. Thank you for reminding me of that simple truth. I'm still hoping for more of "brush" with God's grace, rather than a head-on collision.

Keep posting I really look forward to your insights.

As a 69 year old follower of Christ, I just have to say that these words touched me deeply and I feel ready for the day....saw the post first on Sojourners and followed you here where I plan to read more of your words of grace and wisdom....your take on Jesus is soooo true to Who He is....and His gut-wrenching empathy displayed here and highlighted by you, reaches me where only the God-man could reach..thanks again.
Joy Neece-Fors

I am preparing a sermon on this passage for this Sunday coming. I stumbled across your blog and found what you had to say stimulating. It led me in a different direction. Thanks.

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