When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
5Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. 6And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. 7Amazed and astonished, they asked, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? 9Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11Cretans and Arabs — in our own languages we hear them speaking about God's deeds of power." 12All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "What does this mean?" 13But others sneered and said, "They are filled with new wine."
There were several events of monumental
importance that happened in 1492.
But there is one event of 1492 that, at first glance seems to lack
significance but in reality altered the entire course of history. For it was in that year that the Spaniard Antonio de Nebrija
entered the chambers of Queen Isabel of Spain and handed her what he called the
key to their dreams for a Spanish Empire. It was a weapon. A weapon which had no
equal and it was not made of steel or gun powder…. it was made of paper. It was the first book of grammar. When handed the book Queen Isabel
famously said that she knew the Spanish language quite well and had no need for
such a book. To which Antonio replied
“Your Highness, language is
the greatest tool of empire”.
And one has only to look at the 21 Spanish language
countries that exist now.. over 500 years later …to know that he was
right. And one has only to look to
the language laws of Germany in the 1930s and 40s and of South Africa in the
mid 40s to the mid 90s… not to mention the English-only legislation in 28
states in our own country to know that there are few more potent markers of
identity than language. Language
is powerful.
Barabara Kingsolver’s novel titled the Poisonwood Bible, one of the main
charaters, Reverend Nathan Price is an American missionary to the people of the
Congo. Failing to understand the
nuances of their language and insisting on the primacy of the King James
Translation of the Bible he proclaims to them that Jesus is Bangala! Thinking
he was saying that Jesus is supreme.
Of course the villagers simply looked confused since what he really said
was Jesus is Poisonwood – meaning Jesus is a noxious plant. But since the King James was the only true translation of the Bible, he refused to substitute
another word.
The problem is that while there may be one Gospel…one
story about God-with-us, God becoming human and healing the sick and feeding
the hungry and being killed for it all and then defeating death itself….while
there is this one story, there are
countless ways of understanding it.
There are countless images and words and music and culture which serve
to tell that story. My friend Sara
just came back from 3 weeks in a Christian area of Karala India…she told me
about the Indian Christian art from the 8th and 9th
century which depicts Jesus standing in lotus flowers and Jesus with two
peacocks on either side of him representing his human and divine nature. This isn’t Indian art which happens to
be Christian, it’s Christian art which happens to be Indian.
See The problem comes when we hear the Gospel in our
own language, our own culture, our own art and then proceed to conflate or
confuse the Gospel itself with the form in which we understand it. I really believe that God came and got
me through the Lutheran liturgical and theological tradition. I had already in my life experienced
the fact that I am simultaneously sinner and saint, the fact that God’s grace
is a gift freely given to me. I
had already experienced the fact that I can’t make my way to God but that God
always comes to me. So when I was
exposed to this Lutheran stuff I thought “well, of course! I’ve already
experienced all of this to be true”
I felt like God led me to the thing that would make sense to me.
What becomes problematic is then assuming that the way
I understand God is the only way God
can be understood correctly.
What becomes a problem is when I insist that there is one language in
which the Gospel can be preached and it just so happens to be the language, or
the art or the culture I understand. I’ve then confused the ethos and the
logos….the wrapping paper with the gift.
In this Pentecost
reading from Acts we hear that there were those from every nation living in
Jerusalem…you know that weird list which included Parthians, Medes, and Elamites. The point is that Jerusalem under Roman
occupation was a multi-cultural scene.
We are told that there were people living in Jerusalem from every nation
who gathered around when they heard the sound of the Spirit’s mischief that
Pentecost morning….that morning that things got seriously strange. When these people from every
nation gathered they heard these Galalain followers of Jesus tell of God’s
great deeds of power. But they
heard this in their own native languages. in their native tongues. Here’s the thing…if they were living in Jerusalem they all
would have, to some extent, spoken Greek, the language of the Empire. An empire
which spread it’s language and power and culture over 3 continents. They surely
shared a common language. Yet the
Spirit scoffed at using the language of imperialism and dominance. The 120 original members of the church
very well could have communicated to those from every country living in
Jerusalem in Greek, but instead the Holy Spirit chose to reveal the truth about
God’s great deeds of power in Medeish and Parthianese and Ebonics and Spanglish
and slang and in the Queens English and in Arabic and Farsi and on and on. Because language is powerful. And God
just kind of comes and gets us through whatever means and whatever language
necessary. The text reads:
our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power”
Jesus left his disciples he told
them about this day. “Power will come over you” said Jesus, “when you receive
the Holy Spirit.” And in the
Gospel reading for today we hear that this is a Spirit of Truth…..to receive
the Holy Spirit is to receive the power of Truth. And yet no one single language or culture or denomination or
tradition has sole ownership of that truth. There is a Sacred Promiscuity to the Holy Spirit. And I find it endlessly irritating that
God’s redeeming work in the world isn’t politely limited to the language and
theology and means that I happen to agree with. But for a long time in the church we have acted as if we
have sole ownership of God’s Truth.
As though it’s only truth when stated in the language we understand which, by the way, you must conform to. But that’s not what we hear about
today. The Kingdom of God is not
an empire which has language
laws. We humans may exercise power
through Imperialistic conformity laws.
But God doesn’t. “In our
own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power”
God comes to get you by whatever means necessary. So today let’s be part of a Pentecost which celebrates how God communicates through languages we don’t understand and by theology and means with which we don’t agree. Because that means that God comes also to us. By any means necessary. Even hillbilly music. Amen.
(blog note: the reference to "hillbilly music" refers to the fact that we did our Bluegrass liturgy Sunday. It's called "Light Into The World" by Kent Gustavson)
I really liked this. For me, the language that God speaks to me was to leave the Catholic Church where I felt stuck and oppressed and go somewhere else altogether -- Unitarianism -- a place where my unusual, eclectic spirituality would be accepted along with me. I would definitely join your church if I weren't allergic to liturgy from the Catholic Church. I haven't been able to attend such a service for years.
God has definitely found me and others have seen God in me, and that's not boasting; that's just how my life has been going. And if He can do that with me, He can do that with anybody.
Peace and blessings be with you. :)
Posted by: Elvenjewel | May 28, 2010 at 07:38 AM
I love the phrase 'Sacred Promiscuity' - so radical and true.
When we get beyond the Pre-Raphaelite image of a serene and twee Jesus, the closer we are to the real Jesus.
Posted by: Keemananman | June 08, 2010 at 03:51 AM
Appreciated the message and way of thinking about how, where, and to whom the Spirit travels.
Posted by: David Morris | June 08, 2010 at 10:15 AM