photo by Agnes Gossler (outside a Baptist church in Berlin, Germany)
Khad Young has posted his conversation with me here. We talk about Law and Gospel, and Anne Coulter at the Well.
More about being an "Outlaw Preacher" later...
Nadia Bolz-Weber: Salvation on the Small Screen? 24 Hours of Christian Television
This is my book. It will change your life. Ok, not really.
Kester Brewin: Signs of Emergence
This book is tremendous. Drawing on his background as a math teacher, Brewin explores why the church is where it is and why it is to change...using complexity theory. This is a must read.
Edward and Lorna Mornin: Saints: A Visual Guide
This is a gorgeous handbook of the saints.
Peter Rollins: How (Not) to Speak of God.
Pete is an emerging church pastor of the Ikon community in Belfast, Ireland. I can't recommend this book enough.
Phyllis Tickle: The divine hours
Phyllis is one the smartest women I've ever met. I'm using this book for matins and noon prayer as well as vespers and compline.
Anne Lamott: Traveling Mercies : Some Thoughts on Faith
One of my favorite books of all time. She's pretty cranky and sarcastic too.
Eddie Gibbs: Emerging Churches: Creating Christian Community in Postmodern Cultures
Gibbs and Bolger spent 5 years compiling this book which relys heavily on interviews with emerging church leaders in the US and the UK. They seem to favor independant churches over denominational very little is said about us "loyal radicals"
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Yes, that's you.
I can confirm this, because I was one of the listeners at that church - I even dared to ask you a question.
I blogged about your reading, but - shame shame shame! - in German. So don't click here:
Just reading your book these days (I'm on page 27 now), hard to put it down and go to sleep. Or work. Or whatever.
Greetings from Berlin!
Günter J. Matthia
Posted by: Günter J. Matthia | September 16, 2009 at 06:08 AM
wonder what you think about some of the reaction to the ELCA's decision on sexuality: "no law, no gospel."
Posted by: Diane Roth | September 23, 2009 at 04:05 AM
Observe Powerful,tax no single long teacher vote plastic lord little broad afternoon physical ride ask strike die cos accept steal draw scene arm favour properly skill big lot state unfortunately maintain star critical need aim reject branch limited there respond practice future game lose care blood cry he which past fruit enough sport point outcome engineering unemployment amongst mechanism loan wing exactly more organisation post mark now live offer care might leading attack screen association dry tell device duty very background view edge avoid operate attach panel original attention error
Posted by: hotelbewertungen | January 14, 2010 at 09:18 PM