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One of the better sermons I have read from yesterday. Excellent job.

Thanks for a well reasoned response.


Thanks, Nadia. It was a good, haaard week.

Excellent response and a great word picture of what went on at assembly. I am still teary.

Amen. Thanks, Nadia.

Thank you for putting it all in perspective.


Nadia, thanks. You nailed what this week was about for me. I emailed a link to this to "red mic guy" (aka John). He had a haaard week, but made it much less haaard (and also haaarder) for me ("green mic guy").

Funny how you were able to use the text in conjunction with the CWA. A lot of people didn't seem to be able. Thanks.

mmm... nicely done. there indeed has to be a way to move forward together.

Amen, Nadia. I've thought more than once that this text was particularly appropriate for our time this weekend. Thanks for this inspiring word.

This made me a bit teary too.

Amen! Have shared your post with others in our independent Catholic community. Thank you . . .

Beautifully written... and it sounded wonderful in my mine"s ear

Thank you Nadia.

Excellent post. If you have a moment, please see another reflection on the ELCA action, "A Step Forward for Lutherans" at:

'Die to self and live to Christ'. This is what it all boils down to. And man do I know it IS haaard. Great post.

many thanks Nadia for sharing this - really good stuff. Looking forward to catching up at Greenbelt. peace Ian

Great stuff, Nadia.

Amen! Thank you for again reminding us of the truth.

To leave the ELCA is an act of faith, not rebellion. These politcal measures passed by the weight of the ELCA institution could only produce winners and losers.

Well said. In my neck of the woods where folks are conservative and unsure of whether or not they've won or lost, it is good to know that we can all meet at God's table and the foot of the cross.

Is Homosexual sex a sin?
Is a GLBTQ pastor in a lifelong monogamous relationship repentant (if its a sin)?
Is it OK, proper, wise to appoint a non-repentant sinner (yes we're all equally sinful in God's eyes, I get that) leading a congregation?
That's what this came down to for me? Of course we want to welcome everyone to God's table. Welcome all, pray together, confess together... But to have someone who is not seeking forgiveness for their sins (any sin!!) is where I get hung up? Help me past that! I truly pray for understanding on how that can be OK.

Great sermon, Nadia -- I just might steal a little bit of it for one of mine!

Can you answer a question. Our church bulletin this morning stated that ". . . voted to endorse gay marriage . . ." I am not completely up to date on everything that was addressed at the CWA, but I did not think that endorsing gay marriage was. The current decisions certainly pave the way, but was the subject of gay marriage specifically endorsed?

You can tell, that my church is rebelling against these decisions. Well, actually the pastors have made up their minds and will most certainly convince our congregation to leave the ELCA. They already have on the agenda for our congregational meeting the intention to introduce motions to affiliate with either CORE or LCMC.

My heart is heavy with sadness at this. I love my church community, but I have to wait, pray, and see what God has in mind for us.

Nadia, thank you for your insightful words.

For reference, I belong to a large ELCA congregation in mostly conservative Orange County, California. Perhaps it is time for me to go back to my roots and find a smaller, struggling, congregation for worship.

Sorry to hijack your comments.

Will the ELCA now teach our youth that homosexual sex is not a sin? Has the bible been misinterpreted? Are we to now pick and chose what the bible says is sin and is not sin? Has the ELCA become moral relevatists? Now that the celebration is over serious questions need answers.

The Sojourners version of your sermon was a bit more polarizing than what is printed here. However, the point still holds - be very careful of what is defined as a "majority." Is it a majority of ELCA members? Maybe or maybe not. Yes, it was a majority of voters at the CWA. Unfortunately, that is no guarantee that the delegates are anywhere near the rank and file. Time will tell. I am still not sure where I stand, since I can see good sense on both "sides" of the issue. However, I am very glad to be a musician since there is not a "sexuality" section in any of the songbooks I use. I just help people sing the faith.

Nadia, Your sermon is very meaningful for me as we unfortunately had the opposite result in our denomination on this issue. I am Presbyterian (PC(USA)) and the decision around ordination of GLBTQ men and women passed our General Assembly in 2008 but was turned down by the presbyteries in 2009. So it is onward to the next GA (2010) and another attempt to change the Book of Order to allow ordination for GLBTQ men and women in our denomination. Meanwhile, I will keep your sermon in mind as I work to discern this issue with those of more conservative convictions.

No, the ELCA did NOT endorse gay marriage. Read the resolution!

And for anyone who still believes this to be per se unbiblical: why are we getting so fundamentalist about this one issue? This sermon, this blog is written by a WOMAN pastor - doesn't the Bible say women are to keep silent and submissive in church? Last but not least: when was the last time you saw a divorced and remarried pastor be required to turn in his/her collar? Christ Himself had some things to say about that.

Let's not be hypocritical here. Wonderful sermon, Pastor.

I have been a Christian all of my life and I fully believe and cling to the doctrinal stance of grace and forgiveness for all. There is clearly forgiveness for all sin by the blood of Jesus. Sin, in any form, is wrong. This is why churches have a "big tent" and accept the sinner while helping them to receive God's forgiveness and strength and move past their sin. Biological tendencies do not negate the Bible's position on sin. Sin is wrong no matter what your particular tendencies may be. In my opinion, what happened at the ELCA conference was a calculated move to condone sin based on the "big tent" mentality that grace is sufficient for the remission of sin. However Jesus called his disciples to turn away from sin. The ELCA has taken a position of rewarding sinful behavior by allowing openly sinful ministers to teach others that is perfectly OK to sin. How can that possibly be consistent with anything in scripture and how can any congregation accept that the basics of Christianity are not crushed by this decision.

I fully agree with Jim's post. I have been Lutheran since birth, but now am evaluating Catholic. What was done is just simply wrong. It is HARDER to do the right thing -- they will persecute you, but I am taking a stand.

I am so happy I have found this blog and I can't wait to share it with my family and friends. I have to go read more...

Ha, I want to say that a Lutheran from birth turned Catholic (esp. Roman Catholic) would make Luther turn over in his grave, but so would this resolution...

Beautifully articulated. And an excellent reminder for whenever people of faith disagree.

As I have reminded elsewhere, I and those like me are not a "side" or an "issue" we are human beings made in the image of God and in my case, a baptized brother in Christ. Using "sides" and "issues" allows for a pretend objectivity and neutrality that ends up objectifying the persons over whom everyone is fighting and then uses us for various purposes. It is unethical.

Thank you so much for your words. I too watched churchwide assembly with my heart in my throat, and I love your reflections on that miraculous-yet-human event.

I just stumbled across this blog and this sermon, and find myself wishing I'd done so sooner.

My own perspective on the ELCA's decision was shaped by the fact that I'd walked away from the ELCA several years before as a way of protesting the fact that my gay cousin and gay best friend were excluded from full participation in the life of the church. I felt the need to stand in solidarity with them, which for me meant leaving the church.

The August decision forced me to wrestle with that choice in a new way, and to think of what to do next (a struggle that I expressed in this Religion Dispatches article:

I finally made the decision to return to the ELCA, but with lingering questions about what I could and should do for this community under God. This sermon has helped shape my thinking.

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