House for All Sinners and Saints

  • House for All Sinners and Saints
    I am the mission developer for House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado. We are an urban liturgical community with a progressive yet deeply rooted theological imagination. Check out our site for more info.

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  • Chris Enstad
    The blog of a dad, husband, Lutheran pastor, emerging, failing, conversing, confessing.
  • Ian Mobsby
    Ian is the Anglican Priest at Moot in London.
  • Matt Stone
    This is a great blog from Down Under which explores Christianity and religious pluralism
  • Luther Punk
    Like Ward Cleaver with tattoos
  • Ian Adams
    Ian is the priest of the MayBe community in Oxford...I think he's pretty stinkin' cool.
  • Rachael
    cool chick...check her out
  • MayBe
    This is a great emerging church community we spent time with in Oxford. Their website is well worth a look, especially the page "the spirit of MayBe"
  • Mad Priest
    If I'm the Sarcastic Lutheran, he's certainly the Sarcastic Anglican...
  • Steve Collins
    Steve's an interesting and articulate emerging church brit.
  • The Mercy Seat
    This is a really groovey new church plant in NorthEast Minneapolis, amazing jazz liturgy. Their website is well worth checking out

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I had a member of our congregation ask me this morning how this parable of the wedding compares to the message this morning (Reformation Sunday) about God's grace and how we don't have to do anything because God has already done it all. Basically he wanted to know why the one who shows up to the wedding without wedding clothes gets kicked out but yet we don't have to do anything because God has already done the work. Somewhere in here I think he was struggling with the tension of there being some aspect of salvation that requires or at least demands our participation. But anyone who has studied reformation history knows this is a fine line that led down many divisions within the church. Curious about your thoughts.

Excellent stuff.

> Only he doesn’t mention that this life death life
> thing in Christ happens over and over in our lives.

Doesn't Paul speak of something like this when he says in Romans: "For to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do," etc.?

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Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?
"With many such parables he spoke the word to them,
as they were able to hear it. Without a parable he didn't
speak to them; but privately to his own disciples he
explained everything." Mark 4:34.

Why did Jesus make such a distinction between his
disciples and the others? The difference was that the
disciples were willing to believe in Jesus, but the others
did not believe in him. And this that they did not
believe in Jesus, just this closed their eyes and ears so
that they did not understand what Jesus preached. If
people do not believe in Jesus, they can neither
understand him.

The Lord has no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
but that the wicked turn from his way and lives.
Ezekiel 33:11 But it is more dangerous if we know
God's will and do not obey, than not at all understand
God's will. If we clearly know God's will and do not
obey him, then God must judge us more severe than
if we do not know his will. Luke 12:47-48. Therefore,
God wants not to reveal his will to us before we are
willing to obey him.

Of mercy , God has made it so, that those who do not
believe in Jesus, they can neither understand God's
word. They do not accept the things that come from the
Spirit of God. 1 Cor. 2:14. Therefore Jesus spoke to
them in parables, and explained everything to his
disciples. Of this we can understand that our own will,
is very important for our salvation. If we are not willing
to believe in Jesus, we can neither understand him.

Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?

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