Today as I was waiting for one of the House far All members to join me for coffee, I saw a postcard/flier with Jesus wearing gothic wings, a tongue of fire on his head. His arms opened to 3 gothic looking skulls below a script saying "Any Questions" It looked really stinkin cool, so I picked it up. It was advertising a conversation group called "discussion" about issues of spirituality and God. The values behind it are listed as Inclusivity, Honesty, Respectful Conversation and Pursuit of Truth. Sounds cool, so I look up the church sponsoring it Fellowship Denver I wanted to know more!
I couldn't find it on their page directly but linking to their sponsoring group, Acts 29 network, I discover that they are part of the whole Mark Driscol Mars Hill thing. Acts 29 church plants are guided (among other things) by the following principle (this is from their website):
We are not egalitarians and do believe that men should head their homes and male elders should lead their churches with masculine love like Jesus Christ.
O.K. then. Now I know.
i can't tell you the number of times this has happened to me! i was intrigued, drawn by something that looked progressive and open, only to find underneath the same old b.s., oppressive systems & legalistic theology. the funny part about acts 29 is someone told us they gave $ to church planters and were supposedly "emergent" so i read their stuff and i was like "what's up with all of the 'he' and 'hims' and then kept reading and reading and then there it was in black and white--no girls allowed. it's all so seductive and unfortunately many people fall prey to it because they don't really know the back story (or i suppose in many cases that is what people actually really want) oh well, not for me, no thanks. see ya soon.
Posted by: kathyescobar | January 25, 2008 at 02:07 PM
well bah.
fwiw, we ARE egalitarian and do something in fort collins that sounds very similar and we call it the undercroft.
it's rad
oh, we're planning to come to the merc. this month :)
Posted by: Mak | January 26, 2008 at 07:09 PM
When I read his book a few months ago; my eyes bugged out at times.
Posted by: Jeff Greathouse | January 26, 2008 at 07:34 PM
"Masculine love" huh? Sounds kinky!
Posted by: LP | January 28, 2008 at 03:48 PM
Ugh. Makes my stomach hurt. Love the image of Jesus coming back from a Rob Zombie concert though.
Posted by: Dave | January 29, 2008 at 05:37 AM
First time I heard agape needs a penis.
Posted by: Matt Stone | January 30, 2008 at 06:54 AM
PS. Any chance of scanning an forwarding the image? Sounds like an interesting one.
Posted by: Matt Stone | January 30, 2008 at 06:57 AM
Posted by: Mak | January 30, 2008 at 01:02 PM
heh, i suppose that is why they call it "fellow-ship." eedjits.
Posted by: terri c | February 04, 2008 at 10:10 PM