House for All Sinners and Saints

  • House for All Sinners and Saints
    I am the mission developer for House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, Colorado. We are an urban liturgical community with a progressive yet deeply rooted theological imagination. Check out our site for more info.

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books and magazines i dig



  • Chris Enstad
    The blog of a dad, husband, Lutheran pastor, emerging, failing, conversing, confessing.
  • Ian Mobsby
    Ian is the Anglican Priest at Moot in London.
  • Matt Stone
    This is a great blog from Down Under which explores Christianity and religious pluralism
  • Luther Punk
    Like Ward Cleaver with tattoos
  • Ian Adams
    Ian is the priest of the MayBe community in Oxford...I think he's pretty stinkin' cool.
  • Rachael
    cool chick...check her out
  • MayBe
    This is a great emerging church community we spent time with in Oxford. Their website is well worth a look, especially the page "the spirit of MayBe"
  • Mad Priest
    If I'm the Sarcastic Lutheran, he's certainly the Sarcastic Anglican...
  • Steve Collins
    Steve's an interesting and articulate emerging church brit.
  • The Mercy Seat
    This is a really groovey new church plant in NorthEast Minneapolis, amazing jazz liturgy. Their website is well worth checking out

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Thanks for the plug - 'preciate it. Why wouldn't I include the Sarcastic Lutheran? You run one of the hottest blogs around.

In penning this book, I found a few revelatory tidbits that I hope will inform the dialogue moving forward:

1) A number of the people I interviewed for this book are doing out-of-the-box ministries but they wouldn't self-identify as being part of "Emergent Church." Also, I found that most of them were too busy with their own ministries to participate in cohorts, conferences and the like. Hence, they wouldn't be on most people's radar of "emergent leaders." I'm hoping this book puts these souls on the map and that organic connections will happen here that could lead to the Holy Spirit kicking ass in her own way.

2) Almost half of my interviewees were female with three women of color). And I didn't to look that hard NOR did I have to lower my standards. My criteria for inclusion were people doing "ministry that reaches those for whom church is not in their vocabulary" and they had achieved at least some attention for their work on the national level.
So the claim that EC events are male heavy because it's hard to find women leaders didn't ring true with my findings. My prayer here is that people will use this book as a resource guide when planning conferences and the like to create gatherings that are more inclusive.

3) If I had a party and invited everyone in the book, you'd probably see a fair amount of theological brawling. I don't agree with some of the offerings in the book. But this isn't about my sensibilities but simply an overview of what's out there. I'm merely the hostess making the introductions.

I want to go buy this book TODAY! Gee, do you think the Bible Super Store carries it? :) PS I'm emailing you right now....

Kendra - I know it's carried by some Barnes & Nobles - it's also on (US, UK, French, Germany) and some other online outlets.

I can't wait; I loved her Red & Blue God Black & Blue Church

can't wait to read it!

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