John 20
Via Crucis GridBlog is now into the stations of the resurrection and I gleefully signed up for "Christ appears to Mary Magdalene"
This is my favorite passage in the entire Bible for the following reasons:
*Mary is despondent about the death of her teacher whom she loved so deeply. She's so filled with grief that she doesn't even recognize him in her midst, instead confusing him for the gardener (how do you possibly ever live that down? I imagine her and other Christians late at night drinking wine telling stories about Jesus and inevitably someone going "Yeah...and remember when Mary thought he was the gardener!! Hey Mary, how'd you know he was the gardener and not say, the plummer or maybe just a florist???!!!")
??? A Question: How often in our own lives do we fail to recognize Christ in our midst?
* She has no idea he is there or that the resurrection even took place until...."Mary". He speaks her name. This is beautiful to me. I have heard my name and it made all the difference.
??? A Question: How is Christ calling our name?
* Christ appoints her to be the Apostle to the Apostles. She is chosen to let the boys in on the news. Her. A woman. A former demonic. Her. Wow.
(Mary M was not a prostitute nor was she the woman caught in adultery.) Read Dr. Ann Brock's book Mary Magdalene, The First Apostle: The Struggle for Authority
??? A Question: How are we unlikely proclaimers of the the risen Christ?
p.s. yeah, that's my arm.
Dear God,
Thank you for the faithful witness of Mary Magdalene. Help me to recognize Christ in my midst. Help me to listen for my name. Help me to stop questioning your judgment around my own call to announce the resurrection.
In Jesus' name,
Great post as usual, and not the least bit sarcastic. Happy birthday!
Posted by: Dave | April 26, 2007 at 10:18 AM