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    This is a great blog from Down Under which explores Christianity and religious pluralism
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  • MayBe
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I am 100% behind you on that! Great post.

What a great quote -- just in time to share with some very literal thinkers on a particularly frustrating-yet-addictive discussion forum I frequent. Of course, they won't understand any of what Brown is saying, but I'll feel better for having posted it.

What you said. Yeah. Amen.

With regard to your comment on conforming to a literal reading of Scripture, I preached on the encounter between Nicodemus & Jesus (John 3) for last Wednesday's Lenten service, and I borrowed liberally from Eugene Peterson (Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places) on how Nicodemus' misunderstanding of 'born from above' is based in how he tries to interpret it literally: "Shall I try to crawl back into my mother's womb?" To which I'm sure his mother would say, "No! Trust me, once was more than enough, and besides, you've grown." And maybe that's the rub: our experience with Scripture has grown, but we've failed to mature accordingly.

this bible thing can be awfully tricky. don't know how people can even begin to take it literally when Jesus contradicts so much of it. where does jesus ever promote violence? from my understanding jesus derides peter and says that's a "no-no". and yet judges shares a different story of violence, as well as a number of other texts.

you wrestle with some good questions. your quote is great too. i'm not convinced that 'the bible is the continuing source of our identity' as she speaks about it. so does that mean that people didn't have an identity before the source was written? i think i understand what she's trying to say, but don't want to put words in her mouth. our identity is "testified" through scripture that God's Spirit gives us our identity. a no duh moment perhaps, but a significant difference.

have you ever read any marcus borg? he got a great book i've appreciated called reading the bible again for the first time. you probably have...anyway, hope all is well. stay in touch. d

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