I'm puzzled by my readings in John. There are so many references to folks "believing in Jesus" when they saw his signs and miraculous works. OK, so they came to believe when they saw him raise Lazarus from the dead. Big Deal. Who wouldn't believe? I want to see something cool like that, it would certainly make the whole believing in Jesus, (or believing Jesus) thing a hell of a lot easier. I guess when I think a bit more about it I realize that I still see Christ rising from the dead, both himself and others. Reading the Gospel is a transformative act for me. I am changed by the beauty and complexity/simplicity of God incarnate in Christ. Dying to self and gaining new life in Christ is, for me, a dialectical process and not a final destination. My own resurrection is a daily event punctuated by my own self centered brokenness from which resurrection is necessary. I guess I'm thoroughly unimpressed by the folks in the Gospel who believed when the saw some crazy miracles, but show me someone for whom there is seemingly no hope who has embraced the mystery of God incarnate in Christ and the miracle of their own resurrection in the risen Christ and I'll show you some pretty cool shit. Perhaps that is faith, rather than belief.